Sunday, July 1, 2012


The end of Day 4 arrived and it was becoming increasingly clear this was not going to be any sort of a quick and easy positive resolution.  Dad was not only failing to improve, but seemed to become more and more agitated unless he had plenty of medication to keep him a few tense moments, as Dad's heart rate and blood pressure shot up to dangerous levels, I could imagine him "hulking out" and turning into a big green monster, ripping out all of the equipment and bursting through the wall and bounding out of the hospital.  I'm sure if he could have, he would have....but drawing him as the Incredible Hulk seemed to capture what I suspect was his overall sentiment at that point...he was pissed off!!! Not happy to be there at all! And Mom and I were pissed right there with him at the absurdity of the whole situation thus far...and our frustration that nobody could identify the cause of Dad's pneumonia, and why nothing seemed to be helping.

In my search for more bright colors that would be viewable by him on the wall in his field of vision, I covered the entire paper....and did a bit more experimentation with combining colors....I already had discovered a green, but found I could get a dark blue 'purple' by combining the light blue and pink highlighters, and the pink and yellow brought an orange.  it felt like I was starting to get the hang of this highlighter art thing...

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